HBP排氣管產品編號辨識介紹 Introduction of the HBP’s exhaust pipe
M1為排氣管(空濾)外型名稱 M1 is the code for exhaust pipe's
shape(air filter)
M1(小圓型管 直徑95mm)
◎M1排氣管編號:M1-E / M1 exhaust pipe code:M1-E
◎M1管有三種內部結構設計,(1)全直通 (2)半直通 (3)半洄壓 ※參照網頁下方構造說明
There are 3 designs of the inner structure
for M1 pipe: (1) all through (2)half
through (3)half back
※refer to the
introduction of the structure below
C1為一般管名稱:C1管 The code for M1 air filter: M1-A
C1 (大圓型管 直徑110mm)
◎C1管有四種內部結構設計,(1)全直通 (2)半直通 (3)半洄壓 (4)全回壓 ※參照網頁下方構造說明
◎There are four designs of the inner
structure for C1 pipe: (1) all through
(2)half through (3)half back
(4)full back ※refer to the introduction of the
structure below
O1為橢圓管名稱:O1管 O1 is the code for oval pipe:O1 pipe
(小橢圓型管 左右80mm 上下110mm)
B1為黑管管名稱:B1管 B1 is the code for black pipe:B1 pipe
(大橢圓型管 左右105mm 上下130mm)
空濾編號:A Code for air filter:A
Exit: code for the structure of exhaust
pipe (air filter) exit
材質:排氣管(空濾)外管材質編號 (新材質陸續開發上市) Material: code for the material of the
exhaust pipe(the air filter)(new material
is developing and will appear on the
market successively )